Character Illustration Head*Bottom Award Commission!
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All paintings are copyrighted by (multiple).
No secondary processing, theft, etc.
Tell me first when you use it for commercial use! There is a difference in the amount.
This is a pre-payment system and works after the deposit is confirmed.
The working period is up to one month, and the minimum period is one week. (Audience: "If you apply after Thursday, you can quickly receive a picture in one or two days!) If you violate the maximum period, please refund it in full immediately.
Work order: Deposit check - Rough sketch - Confer - Feedback correction - Suning and Coloring - Complete
No refunds are available once sketch work is in place.
Commission completion can be used as a sample image. If you don't like it, please tell me in advance.
If you are using a picture, please write down the source!
📌▁자캐나▁캐릭터▁등▁웬만한▁건▁다▁받지만▁제▁역량▁밖인▁캐릭터나,▁실제▁인물은▁제▁쪽에서▁먼저▁거절합니다 😢 If a character has a lot of complex parts, decorations, or decorating elements that require quality, an additional amount may be generated 🙃
오실 When you come, please bring a lot of photos or reference materials of the character you want to apply for, and if possible, even if you are a Zola Man, a lot of information about the pose or structure you want! Then you'll get a more satisfying picture!
〇 Head (no color) : 0.5
Head (Color) : 1.0
Chest x-ray (no color) : 2.0
Chest x-ray (Color): 2.5
See Original

Profile Image 다맹

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